- Pronfondeur : de 5m à 40m
- Difficulté :
- Niveaux minimum : Plongeur débutant (0-25 plongées - 20 m)
Type de plongée :
Récif Aquarium Bateau Photo / vidéo Micro Tombant Fixé (corail, plantes fixées) Autonomie
Localisation approximative
This plateau in approx. 25-30m depth is located on the north-western corner of the island, where quite often there is current. The sandy bottom is full of broccoli and some fan corals and if you look hard enough you will find the rare Pygmy Seahorse. It js also a good dive to see white tipped reef and sometimes other Sharks, schools of Barracudas and Jackfish. The bottom is home to Ghost Pipefishs, many different Nudibranches and Thorny Seahorses.
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