- Pronfondeur : de 3m à 30m
- Difficulté :
- Niveaux minimum : Plongeur débutant (0-25 plongées - 20 m)
Type de plongée :
Aquarium Bateau Photo / vidéo Micro Autonomie
Localisation approximative
Next to Current View Point is a slope covered with sea grass and corals going down to 20m. This is a highlight for under water photographers as it has a great variety of rare marine life. Several kinds of Scorpionfish, different Ghostpipefish, Pegasus, Stargazer, Crocodile Snake Eel, Sea Snake, many different kinds of Shrimp and Crabs and the fascinating lightning file shell are all regularly sighted. Do not miss any day or night dives at this fantastic dive site.
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